Thursday, September 14, 2006

Superlative suds

I love introducing the beast to makes the world go round.


Anonymous said...

Milwaukee's Best?

Gnat's p*ss more like.

DCchick said...

Milwaukee's best "aka: the Beast" can only truly be appreciated by Milwaukee Natives! I love it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Anon, I have a feeling the photographer is going to take umbrage with that comment. There is much worse beer in the world... much!

DC... Wisconsin natives I think. :) Although I know some foreign fans of the drink. Every time American beer is brought up, they mention "the beast." Good times!

At the very least, the beast is an education...

Anonymous said...

The beast rocks and is in no shape or form remotely like anythings piss!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you go photographer! :)