Thursday, September 21, 2006

Getting high

I love that I spent a night in Leadville,
the highest town in the USA.


Anonymous said...

Nice photo. Such warm colors. How hight is this town?

Wombat said...

This is one of my photos, Anon.

Leadville is 10,152 feet high. I just checked the Wiki, and they say it's the second highest city in the USA. Oh well.

In any case, it's quite a spot, with a main street looking (almost) as it did in the 1880's.

Being a sea-level dweller, walking up two floors of stairs to my hotel room emphasized the lack of O2 there!

If you are in Colorado, it's worth a visit.

Anonymous said...

How small is it Wombat? (not that I couldn't look the information up myself, but you seem to be a walking encyclopedia anyway... :))

It's cute. Strikes me as small and old-fashioned.

Unknown said...

It's tiny, Amanda - mostly a tourist and backwoods ski-related place now. 3000 people or so.

But they have done wonders keeping the Victorian/Goldrush buildings, with their dramatic windows and glowing red-brick construction.

Old-fashioned is about right.

Anonymous said...

You're talking to a girl for who 3000 people is a "big" town. :)

Cute. I like it when towns are able to preserve the spirit of times past.