Thursday, September 07, 2006

Circum-sand-tial evidence

I love seeing proof that we were here,

and yet walking away knowing that the next wave

will wash away that very same evidence.


Anonymous said...

I like the theme of the day Wombat. :-) Now I just wish I was any one of these places...

Anonymous said...

Nice photo. Made me think.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it! It was a fun time.

It DOES make you think a little, doesn't it? It's nice to make a mark on the world, but really, someday a tide is going to wash it away. Hmm, not as well put as I'd have liked. That makes it sound sad but I really do mean it in a more upbeat manner.

I LIKE feeling small besides the ocean and knowing that for these few moments, I'm leaving my mark, but that it's not permanent: the ocean is still greater than I am.

Anonymous said...

hey!!!! oh that sun there...????? was it actually sunny on a beach....???? That never happens!!!!