Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Soft furnishings

...I love a conveniently located cushion.


Anonymous said...

More than one person has commented on the comfort of my "cushions." I'm a good place to cry on. ;)

Anonymous said...

That's so funny. I'm going to be thinking of that next time I wear a low cut shirt. :)

WorkingMom said...

You will love them even more after babies :) They help to keep things in an "upright" position :)

ps. Mandy...your brother would have a choice comment about your "low cut shirt"

Anonymous said...

Thanks Working Mom. I'll keep that in mind. But the cushion is under my knees, not a above my waist. (It's literary based imagery...perhaps you are familiar with the short story to which I allude?)

Anonymous said...

I know my brother would have a choice comment to make about my low cut shirt. 8-) The double standard never ceases to amaze me! Remember: I know the girls he dated before you came along! ;)

Besides, all I have to say is this: remember what I wore to Carla's wedding based on his lectures? And remember what you wore? :-)