Friday, August 18, 2006

I love my godmother and know she is still watching over me


MS said...

The sentiment makes me smile and want to cry at the same time.

Anonymous said...


MegS said...

I love that picture. It's so accidentally personal.

Anonymous said...

Its one of only 5 that I have of her and that look on her face; that is her saying "hurry up and take the photo so we can go take a walk together"

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I want to cry for you. 1 of 5?! That's very sad.

I have to agree with the look on her face, but I'd also say there is a look of indulgent love on her face as she is doing that. It's obvious she cares for you so even though she's not fond of photos, she IS fond of YOU>

Anonymous said...

Amanda, I know, just somehow I never took many photos of her, then it was too late. It is totally an indulgent look she is giving me though isn't it!

Anonymous said...

Anon, it is very indulgent, but we generally are with those we love. :)

I'm that way with my godson, so I'm sure she was the same. Most of the time we'd do just about anything for those that we love the most, even if it "annoys" us. :)

It's often not until it's too late do we think of things like taking enough photos to last when all we have are the memories. My little sister died when she was 6 months old and at the time, with all her medical bills, two older children, a new farm, etc., my parents couldn't really afford to take a lot of photos. In hindsight, my mom says that she wishes they'd taken them, and slowly paid to have them developed over the years.

On the flip side of that coin is that YOU appreciate every one of the five photos you have of your godmother, and I cherish all the photos I have of my little sister. So maybe that's the way things are supposed to be.

I'm sure she'd be proud of the person you've become.