Monday, August 21, 2006

I love getting my butt kicked by my grandparents in cards.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to play Grandma - she's got her poker face on.


Anonymous said...

Avoid playing her for your inheritance.

You'll end up owing her.

Anonymous said...

That's a great photo! :)

I used to play cards with my best friend and his grandpa's and they'd cheat like crazy... you've gotta watch those crafty old people! ;)

Wombat said...

Like sands through the hourglass, so skills are passed from one generation to another.

Your time will come.

MegS said...

I'm pretty sure my skills skipped a generation :-)

Anonymous said...

Wombat, are you at home watching Days of Our Lives today? ;)

Meg, somehow I don't think your grandparents have you over for your skills, but rather to enjoy your company. You'll be able to look back and remember those times your grandparents kicked your butt at cards in years to come.

It's the memories you take away, not the skills. :) (Thought I'm sure they will be proud of you if you do become a card shark :))

Anonymous said...

Never under estimate the elderly!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mel, I agree! As someone who works for a senior organization, I see it all the time! :)

Grin, not sure I'd heard that one before, but I think it's very, VERY accurate. :)