Friday, November 10, 2006


I LUV....creating my sanctuary.


Anonymous said...

Everyone needs their own sanctuary. Good for you!

Unknown said...

My thoughts turn to the piano, and whether it is played.

It's a calm looking place, at least partly because there is no television visible. That can only be a good thing.


•♥•m•♥• said...

Of course its played !! .....I lose track when I play.....for hours .....the neighbors leave requests in my door LOL....and I then play with the doors and windows open for them ...... =)

Anonymous said...

I love rooms with no televisions. :)

I think it's great that your neighbors leave requests drm2b! That's great!

Scorpy said...

I like the fact that you have a Buddha and yet the candle holders are in the shape of the Christian cross :) I love the idea of requests :)

Unknown said...

So you're kind of the neighbourhood recitalist, Dr M. How much fun is that? It's quite a surreal thought, having an invisible but attentive audience.

Nice pick-up there Scorps, too. Nothing like taking the best of all religions.


•♥•m•♥• said...


Its because Buddhism isnt a religion persay....its more of a universal instruction of how to play nice in the worlds sandbox.....anyone can be a buddhist...even christians, jews, hindus...etc

and its actually easier to play for people I cant see ! LOL